Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009


Our client, Chevron - the global energy company most admired for its
people, partnership and performance *invites qualified, self-motivated and
excellent track record executives to join professional environment as:

Please click *Job Title* below:


*Job Title *


*Work Location*


*Drilling & Completion Engineer (DC-FG/DC)

Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering or Petroleum Engineering.

East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java


*Earth Scientist (ES-FG/ES)

Geophysics or Geology

East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java


*Facility Engineer (FE-FG/FE)

Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or Chemical Engineering

East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java


*IT Analyst (IT-FG/AN)

Telecommunication Engineering

East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java


*IT Engineer (IT-FG/IT)

Information Technology or Computer Engineering

East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java


*Counsel (LAW-FG/LAW)


East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java


*HES Engineer (OEHES-FG/HE)

Environmental Engineering or Hygiene (K3)

East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java


*Operator (Ops-FG/TO)

Electrical, Mechanical, Instrumentation or Chemical Engineering

East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java


*Petroleum Engineer (PE-FG/PE)

Petroleum or Chemical Engineering

East Kalimantan,Riau,West Java

* *

*General Qualifications:*

· GPA minimum: 3.00 (S1)

· GPA minimum: 2,75 (D3)

· Years of graduation: 2006 – July 31, 2009

· Years of experience less than 4 years

· Good command of English

· Willing to relocate to Chevron areas of Operations

· Desiring to work in multicultural and diverse

All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only
qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for further process.

Information about test schedule & how to apply please go to:

* *

*Ria Windyka (Ria)*

Employment Solution Division


*"Adding Value to Business Results"*

Plaza III Pondok Indah Blok C/2

Jakarta 12310

Telp/Fax : 021-75906448 / 021-75906442


Human Resources Manager

Human Resources Manager (Riau Based)

Responsible to manage human resources at operation with more than
1,000 employee.

4 (four) vacant positions

Qualifications :

• MALE, degree in any major, minimum 35 years old
• Strong exposure in all human resources spectrum, such as hr
strategic, performance management, compensation benefit, recruitment
and learning development, industrial relation
• Good English is A MUST and additional skill in Mandarin is an
added value
• Pekanbaru and Kerici based.

If you interest to joint and pass the qualifications, please send
your complete application and last photograph to:


Travel Coordinator

Our Client, PT Petrosea Tbk (www.petrosea. com) which is recognized as
one of Indonesia's leading engineering, construction and mining
contractors is seeking for :

Travel Coordinator (TC - PETROSEA)

Requirements :

· Male / Female

· Diploma Degree (D3) from any discipline in a recognized university.

· Minimum 5 years experience in travel agent

· Good communication and presentation skills both in English and Bahasa

· Working in detail and good analytical thinking

· Able to maintain, uphold work, and business ethics

· Good behavior, open, honest, and proactive person

Role responsibilities include:

· Coordinate travel request from all department, review
alternative prices from travel agent in order to determine the best
price for flight and accomodation requirement.

· Review and examine all ticket and hotel invoices to ensure
that all invoices are conformed with company's order and requirements.

· Review and analyze travel agent monthly performance in order
to establish travel agent monthly performance report.

· Review and monitor booking status to ensure all booking
requirements are proceed in timely manner.

· Monitor and supervise in plant travel agent to ensure all
travel request are well managed.

· Coordinate and accomodate employees complaint and other
business regarding to travel agent services, and monitor the action
plan to ensure all raising issues are well maintain.

· Establish and maintain good relationship with flight and
hotels representative.

Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an
attachment in MS Word Format only in English with current & expected
salary and recent photograph to : career@sintesa- resourcing. com

Please put the position applied TC - PTS on the subject line. Only
short listed candidates will be notified.

SINTESA Resourcing

SINTESA Resourcing, (www.sintesa- resourcing. com) perusahaan konsultan
sumber daya manusia, dengan core business Recruitment & Assessment,
membutuhkan orang-orang yang berpengalaman untuk posisi-posisi sebagai

1. Marketing Officer ( Mkt Off - SR )

Kualifikasi :

Ø S1, dari segala jurusan

Ø Mampu berbahasa Inggris

Ø Mampu mengerjakan beragam tugas dalam satu waktu (multitasking)

Ø Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang marketing

Ø Mampu bekerja dalam tim

Tanggung Jawab :

Ø Membantu head of marketing dalam membuat strategi promosi dan penjualan jasa

Ø Mencari klien baru & memaintain klien lama

Ø Memenuhi target penjualan secara menyeluruh

Ø Membantu penanganan proyek secara terintegrasi

2. Recruiter ( Rec - SR )

Kualifikasi :

Ø S1, dari segala jurusan

Ø Mampu berbahasa Inggris

Ø Mampu mengerjakan beragam tugas dalam satu waktu (multitasking)

Ø Inisiatif dan proaktif

Ø Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun di konsultan recruitment

Tanggung Jawab :

Ø Mencari dan mengelola database kandidat

Ø Memproses kandidat

Ø Memenuhi target pemasaran recruitment

3. Psikolog ( Psi - SR )

Kualifikasi :

Ø Lulus Profesi Psikologi, dari universitas ternama

Ø Memahami & mampu menggunakan alat-alat tes psikologi

Ø Mampu membuat laporan psikologis & laporan Assessment Center

Ø Mampu bekerja di dalam tim

Ø Bersedia mempelajari metode baru dalam bidang psikologi

Ø Mampu berbahasa Inggris

Ø Punya pengalaman di bidang psikologi industri (lebih diutamakan)

Ø Mampu mengerjakan beragam tugas dalam satu waktu (multitasking)

Ø Mampu mengelola project

Kandidat diharapkan untuk mengirimkan cv lengkap dalam format MS Word
beserta foto terbaru dengan mencantumkan gaji terakhir serta gaji yang
diharapkan melalui e-mail : mellia@sintesa- resourcing. com

SINTESA Resourcing

Graha Atrium, 7th Floor, Suite 7.02A

Jl. Senen Raya 135

Jakarta 10320

Cantumkan posisi Mkt Off - SR / Rec - SR / Psi - SR pada subject
e-mail. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dihubungi
lebih lanjut.



* min 27 tahun, maks 40 tahun
* pria
* pendidikan terakhir S1 (tambang/sipil/ mesin)
* pengalaman ditambang (kapur/batubara)
* mengerti dan mampu bahasa Inggris

* familiar dg microsoft office (excel-access)
* dapat membaca gambar topografi, good leadership
* lokasi area quarry

* min 23 tahun, maks 35 tahun
* pria atau wanita
* pendidikan min S-1 teknik (prefer T. Sipil)
* pengalaman tidak diperlukan
* familiar dengan microsoft office (excel-access)
* lokasi kantor pusat (Surabaya)
Kirim lamaran lengkap (application letter, CV, photo) ke

hrd@transindopermai .com

Jumat, 27 Februari 2009

staff IT

Jurusan teknik fisika, FT-UGM sedang membutuhkan 1 orang staff IT
dengan kualifikasi sbb:
- Minimal lulusan D3 ilmu komputer, teknik informatika, teknik elektro
atau yang sebidang
- Menguasai sistem jaringan LAN, WLAN (dapat memasang, dan merawat
jaringan tersebut, dapat melakukan setting di servernya dan komputer
- Dapat melakukan instalasi sistem operasi di komputer server dan
client menggunakan linux ataupun windows
- Memahami aplikasi web dan dapat melakukan updating konten web
- Dapat merawat komputer sehingga terhindar dari serangan virus
(misal: menginstal antivirus dan rajin mengupdate datanya)
- Dapat menginstal software-software yang digunakan di lingkungan
kampus, misal: Office, autocad, matlab, dll.
- Memahami dan menguasai sistem database (php dan MySQL)
- Jujur, tekun, mau belajar, loyal, dan dapat menyesuaikan diri pada
lingkungan kerja.
- Dapat bekerja sama dalam tim
- Dapat mulai bekerja dalam bulan maret 2009

Bagi rekan2 yang memiliki saudara, teman, tetangga yang memenuhi
kualifikasi tersebut, silahkan diminta untuk mengirimkan lamaran ke
nazrul AT dengan subject: Lamaran staff IT JTF-UGM dan
melampirkan surat lamaran dan dokumen2 pendukungnya (ijazah, CV,
transkrip, foto, sertifikat dll) paling lambat 13 Maret 2009, pukul
14.00 WIB. Bagi yang lulus seleksi administrasi akan dihubungi lewat

Senin, 23 Februari 2009

programmer JAVA

Dibuka lowongan untuk 1 (satu) orang programmer JAVA. Berikut ini
Kriteria kandidat:

- pria/wanita umur max. 35 tahun
- memahami disain dan strategi rancang bangun aplikasi dengan
pendekatan berorientasi obyek (OO)
- berpengalaman menggunakan JAVA untuk membangun web based application
- paham dan berpengalaman menggunakan berbagai framework pengembangan
(Spring, Struts, dsb)
- cepat belajar, dapat bekerja mandiri, dan result oriented
- kritis dan dapat menyampaikan ide-idenya dengan terstruktur Kriteria
- bertanggung jawab untuk pengembangan sebuah aplikasi payment gateway
yang sudah berjalan
- maintaining, perbaikan, upgrade minor maupun mayor jika ada
penambahan fitur
- bekerja sama dengan tim lain (PHP team) dalam mengembangkan berbagai
API yang dibutuhkan
- bekerja sama dengan tim QA (Quality Assurance a.k.a Tester) dalam
mengetes aplikasi ybsJenis employment:
- lokasi: JAKARTA (silakan kontak by email bila Anda berminat bekerja
- kontrak untuk 3 bulan pertama, setelah itu bisa dilanjutkan dengan
full time employment (pegawai tetap) jika kedua belah pihak
- ada kemungkinan untuk bergabung dengan tim proyek lain (non JAVA)
setelah menjadi pegawai tetap, tergantung kondisi dan kebutuhan
- salary range: up to Rp 4.500.000,- for full time employment (details
will be discussed at interview)
- free lunch is available every day at office Yang berminat silakan
mengirimkan CV melalui email: hrd@bisnis2030. com Aplikasi
payment gateway yang dimaksud silakan mengunjungi: www.payglobalone. com
Beberapa webstore yang sudah menggunakan payment gateway tsb: toko
pulsa HP online toko buku online toko software online (salah satu
dealer CPSSOFT, pengembang software accounting ACCURATE)

Selasa, 17 Februari 2009


PT. SEGARINDO PRIMAJAYA adalah perusahaan minuman yang bergerak
dibidang Nata de Coco, Jelly dan Minuman beraroma lainnya sudah
berjalan lebih kurang satu dekade.

Dalam pengembangan yang semakin terbuka ini, dengan memberi kesempatan
bagi calon pekerja yang sudah berpengalaman dibidang minuman.

Posisi: R&D dan Formulator

1. Pendidikan D3 dan S1 jurusan TEKNOLOGI PANGAN atau yang berhubungan
dengan pangan.
2. DIUTAMAKAN YANG SUDAH BERPENGALAMAN dibidang Jelly minimal 2 tahun.
3. Mengerti tentang formulasi minuman Jelly dan Nata de Coco
4. Suka dengan tantangan produk baru
5. Dapat bekerja mandiri.
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di pabrik, lokasi di Cibubur - Jakarta

Apabila anda berminat segera kirimkan lamaran
sebelum tanggal 27 PEBRUARI 2009
kirimkan lamaran ke email : calvinnicolson@


ada lowongan Freelance Marketing, Java Developer & Web Developer di
Gamatechno nih...

# Freelance Marketing (Kode : FMKT)

Minimal D3, semua jurusan, diutamakan dari jurusan
Ekonomi/Informatika / Ilmu Komputer/Teknik Elektro.
Mampu bekerja dengan sistem target.
Berpenampilan menarik dan komunikatif.
Menyukai traveling.
Memiliki kendaraan pribadi.

# Java Developer (Kode : JD)

Minimal D3 (atau mahasiswa S1 semester akhir), diutamakan dari jurusan
Informatika/ Ilmu Komputer/Teknik Elektro.
Menguasai konsep dan teknik Object Oriented Programming dengan J2SE
dan MySQL.
Lebih disukai yang menguasai database Oracle.
Memiliki pengalaman pengembangan proyek.

# Web Developer (Kode : WD)

Minimal D3 (atau mahasiswa S1 semester akhir), diutamakan dari jurusan
Informatika/ Ilmu Komputer/Teknik Elektro.
Menguasai konsep dan teknik Object Oriented Web-Based Application
Development dengan PHP dan MySQL.
Memahami UML, RDBMS dan tool-tool terkait.
Memiliki pengalaman pengembangan proyek.
Pemahaman tentang web service merupakan nilai tambah.
Bersedia menjalani kontrak selama proyek berdurasi 3-6 bulan.

Lamaran dikirimkan ke hrd[at]gamatechno. com paling lambat tanggal 25
Februari 2009.

Syarat dan info lebih lanjut bisa dilihat di:


A Bright Future with Officer Development Program Entry Level Position for Executive Management Position
I. Relationship Officer (Code - H)
II. IT Officer (Code - I)
III. Quality Assurance (Code - J)
IV. General Banking Officer (Code - K)
V. Accounting/Financia l Analyst (Code - L)
VI. Credit Officer (Code - M)
Requirements :
* Bachelor Degree from a reputable university majoring in
Economics, Engineering, Mathematical & Statistical Science,
Agriculture, Fishery, Forestry, Plantation, Animal Husbandry, Law and
Business Administration.
For code - M Position, hold a Master
Degree in Finance/Accounting or Engineering from a reputable university
* Minimum GPA
* Master Degree : 3,50 (scale 4)
* Bachelor Degree : 2,75 (PTN) and 3,00 (PTS) scale 4
* Fluent in both spoken and written English
* Maximum age by February 01, 2009 :
* For code H – code L position : 26 years old
* For code M position : 28 years old
* Previous involvement in organizations is an advantage
A Rewarding Non–Executive Position (Assistant)
I. Teller (Code - N)
II. Sales (Code - O)
III. Processing (Code - P)
Requirements :
* Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any discipline (fresh graduate/ experienced)
* Minimum GPA : 2,75 (PTN) and 3,00 (PTS) scale 4
* Single Male/Female
* Maximum age of 24 years old by February 01, 2009
* Minimum height : Female 155 cm, Male 165 cm
* Has an interest in services, sales, marketing and/or credit processing
* Familiar with the Office Applications and internet
* Please apply only if you meet the requirements
* For code A - code M position
Kindly register and enter the resume at our website (https://www. bniapplicationfo
* For code N - code P position
Kindly submit the comprehensive resume to the nearest BNI Branch and mark position code on the envelope
* All application forms should be submitted not later than February 21, 2009

Perhatian : Pastikan Formulir Aplikasi yang Anda akses adalah : https://www. bniapplicationfo

sumber: http://www.bni. Lowongan/ tabid/302/ Default.aspx

Malaysia Marine Heavy Equipment

Our client located in Malaysia, Malaysia Marine Heavy Equipment/MMHE,
the subsidiary of Petronas have led the way in providing the
engineering services to our client.

To support the continued growth and development of the company, we are
currently looking to recruit high caliber individuals with energy and
enthusiasm to fill a number of key roles with the following

1. All Engineers ( Structural Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Piping
, Electrical/Instrume nt Engineer, QA, QC, Lead Commisioning
Engineer, Project Engineer, Construction Engineer, Design Engineer,
Instrument Engineer, Piping Engineer, All kind of Inspector, etc)
with minimum 5 years experiences and above on oil and gas industries.

2. Having International certification would be an advantage

We offer competitive salary and other benefits. For those applicants
who stay in Batam are most welcome since the client will be coming to
have an interview at Novotel - Batam on Saturday, 14 February 2009.

If you are interested, please email your recent Resume including
photo, position apply, current and expected salary to

P. T Danusari Mitra Sejahtera

Dibutuhkan Seorang Marketing untuk perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang
Kontruksi Tower dengan syarat :
1. Minimum S1 Teknik semua jurusan.
2. Lebih disukai yang mempunyai pengalaman dalam bidang pekerjaan
tower dan mempunyai networking dalam dunia pertoweran.
Lamaran dapat ditujukan kepada P. T Danusari Mitra Sejahtera melalui
email hrdtty@gmail. com


Responsibilities: Responsible in cash flow and supervise daily Finance/Accounting activities and monthly finance closing reporting beside reconciliation of balance sheets accounts and other regular reportsEnsure financial reports completed on timeVerifies accuracy of data processing for accounting information
Bachelor degree in Accounting, min. 3 years experience in related positionStrong knowledge in Accounting System, taxation general accounting, and cost accountingGood problem solving, mature, independent, analytical thinking and attention to detailStrong leadership, result oriented, and able to work under pressureFluent in English (oral and written)
Please send your application along with Curriculum Vitae and a recent photograph to:

recruitment@ investor.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified

Coal mine exploration in Kalimantan

Our client, an expanding multinational coal mining company with
exploration running in Kalimantan, is URGENTLY looking for:


1. S1 Mine Engineering
2. Male, age 32 – 40.
3. Min 7 yrs experience in coal mining operation in Kalimantan.
4. Familiar with Exploration data & verification result of mine
5. Certificated Pratama or Kepala Teknik Tambang
6. Exp in progress reporting based on contractor's work & dealing with
other related vendors/ service companies.
7. Proven record of Leadership skills on field & problem solving.
8. Good English (verbally & written)
9. Computer literate with some mining software knowledge.

1. Interesting package.
2. Preferably willing to POH in Kalimantan.
3. Permanent position.


1. Min STM/D3 Engineering graduate
2. Above 7 years work experience in coal mine production/explorat ion
in Kalimantan.
3. Preferably certified Pratama / Kepala Teknik Tambang.
4. Exp in implementing mine planning & safety matters at field.
5. Exp in target oriented work regarding the existing mine planning.
6. Computer literate.
7. Above average English knowledge.

1. Interesting package.
2. Preferably willing to POH in Kalimantan.
3. Permanent position

Qualified & interested applicants, send your Update CV (in English –
please write CODE of position) with detailed Job Desc & contact
number(s) to ruddie2007@yahoo. com (ruddie2007 ad yahoo dot com)

Closing Date: 1 March 2009

Kamis, 12 Februari 2009


LOWONGAN PT. ASTRA HONDA MOTOR (Expired 31 Maret 2009)

Menghadapi tantangan pasar sepeda motor di Indonesia yang semakin ketat, PT. Astra Honda Motor membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang kreatif, kompetitif, dan inovatif. Untuk itu PT. Astra Honda Motor membuka kesempatan berkarir di perusahaan manufaktur tingkat dunia dengan sistem karir yang Internally Fair dan Externally Competitive.

Tanggal ditutup : 31 Maret 2009

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
Melakukan proses laporan keuangan
Menganalisa laporan keuangan
Melakukan segala aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan accounting

Persyaratan :
S1 Accounting
IPK Minimal 2,75
Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
Memiliki Integritas
Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yang baik

Tanggal ditutup : 31 Maret 2009

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
Untuk ditempatkan di Departemen Marketing Product Development
Bertanggung jawab untuk mensupervisi program penjualan dan promosi di suatu area penjualan sepeda motor Honda

Persyaratan :
S1 semua jurusan ( Diutamakan dari Teknik Industri & Management)
IPK Minimal 2,75
Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
Mampu menganalisa kondisi market di area yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya
Memiliki self motivation yang baik
Kreatif dan energik
Siap melakukan perjalanan di manapun area sales sepeda motor Honda
Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, menguasai Bahasa Inggris, baik lisan maupun tulis

Tanggal ditutup : 31 Maret 2009

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
Melakukan monitoring terhadap project yang berjalan di AHM
Melakukan monitoring terhadap penggunaan fixed asset & database vendor AHM

Persyaratan :
S1 Accounting
IPK Minimal 2,75
Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
Mampu memahami prosedur dengan baik

Tanggal ditutup : 31 Maret 2009

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
Untuk ditempatkan di Departemen Marketing Product Development
Bertanggung jawab terhadap showroom termasuk standarisasi interior dan eksteriornya

Persyaratan :
S1 Teknik Arsitektur/Interior Desain
IPK Minimal 2,75
Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
Memiliki pengalaman dalam desain tematik
Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, menguasai Bahasa Inggris, baik lisan maupun tulis

Tanggal ditutup : 31 Maret 2009

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
Untuk ditempatkan di Departemen Marketing Research & Development

Persyaratan :
S1 Statistik/ Teknik Industri
IPK Minimal 2,75
Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
Memiliki pengetahuan pengolahan data statistik dan surveinya
Memiliki pengetahuan analisa ekonomi mikro
Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan konseptual yang baik
Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, menguasai Bahasa Inggris, baik lisan maupun tulis

Tanggal ditutup : 31 Maret 2009

Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
Menggali kebutuhan bisnis proses dan memberikan solusi yang berhubungan dengan proses dan sistem
Melakukan koordinasi dengan pihak terkait dalam rangka perumusan dan penerapan sistem

Persyaratan :
S1 Accounting/ Komputerisasi Akuntansi/ IT
IPK Minimal 2,75
Usia Maksimal 27 tahun
Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
Memahami end to end business process di area finance & Accounting
Memahami penerapan SAP FICO (atau yang setara)

Tuliskan kode lowongan di sudut kanan atas surat lamaran dan kirimkan lamaran dengan menyertakan :

1. Fotokopi identitas diri (KTP/ SIM).
2. Fotokopi ijazah
3. Fotokopi transkrip nilai
4. Foto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6

Lamaran ditujukan kepada :




A Challenging Executive Management Position

I. Vice President - Small & Medium Enterprise (SME) Business Development (Code - A)

Responsibilities :

  • Refine strategic blue print of mass lending for SME
  • Develop integrated capacity planning for all lending outlets
  • Design & develop integrated sales, monitoring, collection and recovery system
  • Conduct extensive performance tracking, financial analysis, monitoring and reporting business performance
  • Ensure adherence to corporate governance by tracking and monitoring the governance indicator and regularly reviewing business continuity plans
  • Coordinate business performance of related projects

Requirements :

  • Minimum 10 years of working experience in banking industry, preferably in mass lending business development
  • Have experience in leading sales and collection force nation wide
  • Have broad SME business network
  • Good knowledge in IT system for mass SME business and related banking activities
  • Strong communication skill and entrepreneurship
  • Strong team and projects leadership skills
  • Fluent in both spoken and written English
  • Bachelor and/or Master Degree from reputable university
  • Maximum age of 45 years old by February 01, 2009

II. Marketing & Business Development in Wealth Management and Card Business

Assistant Vice President - Marketing & Business Development in Wealth Management (Code - B)

• Assistant Vice President - Marketing & Business Development in Card Business (Code - C)

• Marketing & Business Development Manager in Card Business (Code - D)

• Marketing & Business Development Assistant Manager in Card Business (Code - E)

Responsibilities :

  • Manage business & marketing strategy
  • Manage marketing communication
  • Conduct research and development
  • Expand & maintain business networking & business opportunities
  • Handle marketing activities including promotion, branding, etc
  • Handle product management & development
  • Develop business & creative of special event

Requirements :

  • Working experience :
    • For Code - B position, minimum 7 years of working experience in banking and/or financial industry (preferably in wealth management), especially in marketing & business development
    • For Code - C position, minimum 7 years of working experience in card business and/or consumer goods, brand principal, especially in marketing & business development
    • For Code - D position, minimum 5 years of working experience in card business, especially in marketing & business development
    • For Code - E position, minimum 3 years of working experience in card business and/or brand principal as marketing & business development
  • Strong communication skill, entrepreneurship and broad networking
  • Strong team and projects leadership skills
  • Actively seeks independent learning activities, especially in the latest strategic marketing ideas
  • Fluent in both spoken and written English
  • Bachelor and/or Master Degree from a reputable university
  • Maximum age by February 01, 2009 :
    • For Assistant Vice President : 35 years old
    • For Manager : 30 years old
    • For Assistant Manager : 28 years old

III. Assistant Vice President - Product Development in Consumer Banking (Code - F)

Responsibilities :

  • Manage product life cycle
  • Conduct feasibility studies
  • Define business requirement with business units
  • Collaborate with IT and operation in developing / designing products

Requirements :

  • Minimum 7 years of working experience in the banking or financial industry, preferably in product development
  • Strong knowledge of banking operational workflow and banking policy
  • Strong IT background
  • Strong communication skill
  • Strong team and projects leadership skills
  • Demonstrate ability to work in a performance driven environment
  • Fluent in both spoken and written English
  • Bachelor and/or Master Degree from a reputable university
  • Maximum age of 35 years old by February 01, 2009

IV. Assistant Vice President - Marketing & Communication (Code - G)

Responsibilities :

  • Identify and understand key market drivers
  • Maintain effective external interaction/market scanning
  • Identify strategies for increasing profi ts
  • Manage matrix and alliance organizations
  • Establish implementation plan

Requirements :

  • Minimum 7 years of working experience in banking industry and/or insurance, telecommunication, consumer goods, especially in marketing & communication
  • Strong communication skill, entrepreneurship and broad networking
  • Actively seeks independent learning activities, especially in the latest strategic marketing ideas
  • Fluent in both spoken and written English
  • Bachelor and/or Master Degree from a reputable university

A Bright Future with Officer Development Program Entry Level Position for Executive Management Position

I. Relationship Officer (Code - H)

II. IT Officer (Code - I)

III. Quality Assurance (Code - J)

IV. General Banking Officer (Code - K)

V. Accounting/Financial Analyst (Code - L)

VI. Credit Officer (Code - M)

Requirements :

  • Bachelor Degree from a reputable university majoring in Economics, Engineering, Mathematical & Statistical Science, Agriculture, Fishery, Forestry, Plantation, Animal Husbandry, Law and Business Administration.

    For code - M Position, hold a Master Degree in Finance/Accounting or Engineering from a reputable university (local/overseas)

  • Minimum GPA
    • Master Degree : 3,50 (scale 4)
    • Bachelor Degree : 2,75 (PTN) and 3,00 (PTS) scale 4
  • Fluent in both spoken and written English
  • Maximum age by February 01, 2009 :
    • For code H – code L position : 26 years old
    • For code M position : 28 years old
  • Previous involvement in organizations is an advantage

A Rewarding Non–Executive Position (Assistant)

I. Teller (Code - N)

II. Sales (Code - O)

III. Processing (Code - P)

Requirements :

  • Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any discipline (fresh graduate/ experienced)
  • Minimum GPA : 2,75 (PTN) and 3,00 (PTS) scale 4
  • Single Male/Female
  • Maximum age of 24 years old by February 01, 2009
  • Minimum height : Female 155 cm, Male 165 cm
  • Has an interest in services, sales, marketing and/or credit processing
  • Familiar with the Office Applications and internet


  • Please apply only if you meet the requirements
  • For code A - code M position

    Kindly register and enter the resume at our website (https://www.

  • For code N - code P position

    Kindly submit the comprehensive resume to the nearest BNI Branch and mark position code on the envelope

  • All application forms should be submitted not later than February 21, 2009

Perhatian : Pastikan Formulir Aplikasi yang Anda akses adalah : https://www.

Kamis, 05 Februari 2009

PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero)

PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) membuka kesempatan karir bagi putra-putri terbaik Indonesia yang memiliki semangat untuk berprestasi, mampu bekerja secara tim, memiliki komitmen dan integritas serta penampilan yang menarik untuk bergabung bersama Bank BTN, untuk menempati posisi sebagai :

Officer Development Program.

Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan :

• Pria atau wanita
• Usia maksimal 27 tahun (belum berulang-tahun ke-28 pertanggal 1 Febuari 2009)
• Tinggi badan : Laki-laki minimal 160 cm dan perempuan minimal 155 cm.
• Berbadan sehat dan berat badan proporsional
Pendidikan sarjana S1 atau S2 dari PTN/PTS terkemuka dan memiliki reputasi baik diutamakan dari Jurusan Ekonomi (Perbankan, Akuntasi dan Studi Pembangunan, Hukum (Perdata dan Pidana), Komputer (Manajemen Informatika, Teknologi Komputer/Informatik a), Teknik (Sipil, Arsitektur, Elektro, Industri, Pertanian), Psikologi, Statistik, Kehumasan (Public Relation)
• IPK (S1 atau S2) minimal 3,00
• Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
• Mampu mengoperasikan komputer, minimal MS. Office
• Belum pernah menikah dan tidak menikah selama 2 tahun
• Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
• Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas selama 5 tahun
• Tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga (Ayah/Ibu/Anak/ Adik/Kakak/ Kakak Orang Tua/Adik Orang Tua/Kemenakan/ Ipar) dengan Pegawai Bank BTN

Apabila anda sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan silahkan klik link dibawah ini untuk mengisi form pendaftaran.

Informasi Lengkap dan pendaftaran - http://www.lppi. id/l2_recrut_ BTN_ODP.php

PT Kalimantan Prima Services Indonesia

PT Kalimantan Prima Services Indonesia (KPSI) is an international
services company for the resources sector, plant engineering, civil
construction, transportation, and earthworks to serve clients in
fiber plantation and chip, pulp, and paper industry. We are equal
opportunity employer
that committed to recruit, develop, and retain
the best talents. Our people are some of the best in the similar
type of business with considerable competencies and extensive
experience across all areas of our operations. Currently we are
seeking for the highly motivated professionals to strengthen our
team in the following position:

RESPONSIBILITIES: manage and control all KPSI mobile, miscellaneous
equipment service, repairs and logistic, and all associated
activities to maximize the availability, reliability, productivity,
and safe operation of large population of excavators, bulldozers,
backhoe loaders, skidders, motor graders, trucks, trailers,
generators, and other ancillary equipment in the assigned area;
contribute to the achievement of KPSI's business target within time,
cost, and quality parameters as well as provide efficient, effective
logistic services to fulfill customer demand.
REQUIREMENTS: min. SLTA graduated in Mechanical Engineering; minimum
5 years experience in heavy equipment service, repair, maintenance,
and logistics with minimum 1 years experience in the supervisory
level; knowledge of correct tools and equipment necessary to get the
job done; strong conceptual and analytical thinking; strong
leadership skills.

RESPONSIBILITIES: receives and reviews a wide variety of
requisitions and sourcing potential vendors; reviews bid proposals
from vendors and makes recommendation; follow up with vendors on
goods delivery; close PO's status; evaluates vendors' performance;
and maintains records of purchased items, cost, delivery,
performance and inventory.
REQUIREMENTS: bachelor degree in related educational background from
reputable university, preferable in Civil or Mechanical Engineering;
4-6 years experience in the similar type of business with minimum 1
year experience in the same level; knowledge of Basic Legal, Basic
Finance, and product-related standards and specifications; advanced
administrative skills; good level of concentration; strong
leadership and negotiation skills.

RESPONSIBILITIES: review logistics-related processes, systems, and
costing and initiate corrective and preventive measures; manage and
supply logistics material request to be delivery as per schedule;
monitor incoming and outgoing materials / equipment / inventory.
REQUIREMENTS: bachelor degree graduated with 4-6 years experience in
the similar activities and minimum 1 year at the same level;
knowledgeable in material flow (receiving, stocking, and issuing)
and export-import procedure; skilled on controlling material
inventory; knowledge of Basic Legal, Basic Finance, and product-
related standards and specifications; advanced administrative
skills; strong in planning and organizing.

RESPONSIBILITIES: directs activities concerned with contracts for
purchasing of equipment, materials, products, or services; makes
contract preparation; verifies contract pricing; evaluates contract
vendors performance; and assists in issuing consignment PO and
prepares consignment analysis report.
REQUIREMENTS: bachelor degree in related educational background from
reputable university, preferable in Civil or Mechanical Engineering
from reputable university; 4-6 years experience in the similar type
of business with minimum 1 year experience in the same level;
knowledge of Basic Legal, Basic Finance, and Economic Trend
Movement; advanced administrative skills; good level of
concentration; strong negotiation skills; organized and detail-
oriented with the ability to multi-task.

RESPONSIBILITIES: develop material of HE (excavator, bulldozer,
motor grader, skidder, backhoe loader, compactor, etc.) operation
training; identify training needs of existing HE operators;
contribute in reducing number of HE accident due to miss operation;
involve in recruitment and selection process of HE operators;
responsible in SIMPERing (Surat Izin Mengemudi Perusahaan) for HE
operators; develop skill development & assessment record system for
HE operators.
REQUIREMENTS: min. SLTA graduated with 3-5 years relevant experience
in similar post; proven skills in operating various HE or
experienced as HE Operator; workplace training certified; mastering
Basic First Aid and OHSE; knowledgeable in training principles &
concepts; able and willing to motivate & facilitate others in

RESPONSIBILITIES: plan work orders and coordinate work between
operations and maintenance; investigate all costs and scope of work
orders before gaining authorization; ensure all work orders are
signed when completed; produce Daily / Weekly / Monthly Mechanical
Availability Report.
REQUIREMENTS: bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering; 2-3 years
experience in heavy equipment planning; knowledge of engineering
measuring; knowledge and ability to apply the procedures and
policies of safety; interpersonal skills to deal with KPSI
Departments and contractors to maintain component quality control;
administrative and procedural skills; able to use software
application such as Word Perfect, Excel, and SAP.

GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: computer literate; excellent in English and
Bahasa both written and spoken; high personal work-motivation,
communicative, proactive, and creative; high orientation on cost-
, quality, time-frame, and safety; high professional-
integrity and excellent teamwork skills; willing to travel and
relocate to Kalimantan.

Submit your application letter, comprehensive CV with recent
photograph, and related certification before 12th February 2009 to
HR Department of PT KPSI: recruitment@ kalimantan- – or – PO
BOX 570 East Kalimantan 76114. Please put the position code on e-
mail subject or top right of the envelope and quote your salary
expectation in your application letter. Only short listed candidate
will be invited for interview.

PT Pacific Fiber Indonesia


PT Pacific Fiber Indonesia is one of Multinational Company that leads
a forestry industry (HTI), chip mills projects and operations in East
Area. We invite professionals and dynamics people who are
ready to be located in our Site Forestry as:


Had responsibilities as top leader for all plantations continuous
operation in sites, part of management team in planning, budgeting,
implementing and improving plantation department.

1. Hold Bachelor degree in agriculture or forestry
2. Had at least 10 years experience in plantation department of
forestry industry
, include at least 3 years experience in managerial
3. Experience from ISO Certification Company would be advantage.
4. Ready to be located in Kalimantan site forestry area, is a

Please send your complete application contents:
1. Position code on left side the envelope
2. Resume (CV), with contact number
3. Supporting document, such as copy of certificate, transcript
and references.
4. Your latest picture in 4x6 cm size.

To below address:

Pacific Fiber Indonesia
Jl. MT Haryono 9-10 Kel. Damai
Balikpapan 76114
Recruitment@ pacific-fiber. com / hrd@pacific-

Only qualified candidate would be processed

PT. Midtou Aryacom

Nama Perusahaan : PT. Midtou Aryacom
Gedung Sarinah Lt. 12
Jl. M. H. Thamrin No.11
Jakarta 10350

Deskripsi : Perusahaan berskala Internasional bergerak di bidang investasi
dan keuangan mengajak anda berkerja dengan membuka wawasan dan pemikiran
serta memanfaatkan peluang bisnis di industri financial.

Membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang handal untuk posisi :

A.TEAM LEADER ( 4 Orang )
JobDes :
- Melakukan Transaksi pasar global secara online
- Menganalisa pasar sehingga menghasilkan profit
- Membina relationship dengan nasabah secara berkesinambungan

B. PUBLIC RELATION ( team HRD, 1 Orang )
JobDes :
- Mempromosikan dan Mengembangkan kerjasama dengan beberapa perusahaan
- Mengkomunikasikan sasaran, target publics, dan rencana-rencana perusahaan.

Lokasi Kerja di : Jakarta

Persyaratan :

A.TEAM LEADER ( 4 Orang ) Kualifikasi :
- Pria/Wanita Usia min.23 tahun
- Pend min. D3 (lebih disukai berpengalaman sebagai supervisor
di pemasaran kartu kredit, KTA, Asuransi & Automotif)
- Dapat berkomunikasi secara baik
- Berpenampilan menarik

B. PUBLIC RELATION ( team HRD, 1 Orang )
Kualifikasi :
- Pria/Wanita Usia min.24 tahun
- Pendidikan min. S1 segala jurusan (lebih disukai yang berpengalaman)
- Dpt berkomunikasi secara baik

- Penghasilan tetap
- jenjang karir
- komisi
- tunjangan transportasi
- Sistem dan koordinasi pekerjaan mayoritas di lakukan secara online

Jika berminat, kirim Surat lamaran dan CV serta foto terbaru via e-mail :

ar.recruitment@ dengan subjek : aplikasi Midtou


Perusahaan Distributor Nasional Membutuhkan segera :


Syarat :
~ Menguasai Accounting & Perpajakan
~ Pendidikan DIII / S1 Akuntansi
~ Diutamakan pengalaman 1 tahun & mempunyai jiwa pemimpin
~ Usia Max 28 tahun.

Kirim lamaran Lengkap ke :
Jl. Pramuka No.10A RT.18
Up. HRD Department / Bp. Rubi No. Telp 0511-9140744

Paling Lambat 1 Minggu dari Iklan ini..

Sales Manager

Recruitment, member of the TAZAKI Group, is an international
recruitment consultant provides Recruitment & Selection (Executive
Search, Staff Placement), Personnel & Legal Consulting, Translating
& Interpreting services.

we are looking for qualified candidates for our Client, an Intermediate
Bulk Container
(IBC) Manufacturing Multinational Company, to fill
vacant position in their company as:

Sales Manager (3 posts)
(Jakarta, Medan and Surabaya)

Sales Manager (3 posts)

* Male, max 35 years old.
* Hold Bachelor Degree from any discipline.
* Must have min. 3 years experience in a sales role with proven track record.
* Experience in Steel Drum / Plastic Drum manufacturing and or Chemical Manufacturing will be most preferred
* Mature, self-motivated, result oriented and able to work independent with minimum supervision
* Good communication in English both oral and written
* Have good communication skill, presentation skill and familiar to communicate with various level positions
* Posses a personal car and Car driving license (SIM A)
* Local person with strong experience of local market for each Jakarta, Surabaya and Medan area
* Attractive remuneration package will be offered upon successful candidate
treat our candidate resumes in a professional manner and strictly
confidential, as our code of ethics. If you meet the above requirements
and interested with the position, please send your Curriculum Vitae in
English with photograph to:

PT JAC Indonesia
Menara Cakrawala (Skyline Building), 19th Floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 9
Telp: (021) 315 9504 / 06
Email: pungki@jac-recruitm / akbar@jac-recruitme

Sales and Marketing Staff/Senior Staff

JAC Recruitment, member of the TAZAKI Group, is an international recruitment consultant
provides Recruitment & Selection (Executive Search, Staff
Placement), Personnel & Legal Consulting, Translating &
Interpreting services.

Currently we are looking for qualified
candidates for our Client (multinational company) to fill vacant
position in their company as:
Sales and Marketing Staff/Senior Staff
(Jakarta Raya)


* Male, max 35 years old. * Hold Bachelor Degree from any discipline.
* Must have experience as sales in trading company, especially in coal trading or bulk commodity trading.
* Mature, able to work independent with minimum supervision and willing to travel outside Jakarta.
* Good communication in English both oral and written.
* Have good communication skill, presentation skill and familiar to communicate with various level positions.
treat our candidate resumes in a professional manner and strictly
confidential, as our code of ethics. If you meet the above requirements
and interested with the position, please send your Curriculum Vitae in
with photograph to:

PT JAC Indonesia
Menara Cakrawala (Skyline Building), 19th Floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 9
Jakarta 10340
Telp: (021) 315 9504 / 06
Attn. Mr. Pungki
Email: pungki@jac-recruitm

Senin, 02 Februari 2009

Quality Sistem Developer & Suporting Staff

Berikut informasi lowongan pekerjaan di Corporate Quality Assurance
– Tudung Group :

Quality Sistem Developer & Suporting Staff

Diskripsi pekerjaan :

1. Mendukung penerapan Quality Policy melalui technical
supporting dan pelatihan di semua Business Unit dan OEM (Toll

2. Mendukung pengembangan sistem-sistem yang berkaitan dengan
penerapan Quality Policy

3. Mendukung program kerja Corporate QA secara keseluruhan

Pendidikan : S1 Teknologi Pangan/ Teknologi Industri Pertanian dan
teknik Kimia, Teknologi Industri, Farmasi

Pengalaman : 1 - 4 tahun sebagai Supervisor QA

Kompetensi yang dibutuhkan :

1. Pengetahuan tentang Bahan Pangan/Farmasi, Sistem
ManajemenKeamanan Pangan

2. Pengetahuan tentang Regulasi Pangan/Farmasi, Sistem QC,
Manajemen Sistem, Sistem Pelatihan

3. Pengalaman di Industri Pangan/Farmasi, Melakukan Pelatihan,
dan Mempunyai Bawahan

4. Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Aktif, Komputer, Manajerial Skill,
komunikasi yang baik

Quality Implementation Supporting Manager

Diskripsi Pekerjaan :

1. Memastikan Penerapan Quality Policy di semua Business Unit
dan OEM (Toll Manufacturing) melalui pengembangan kompetensi Human
Capital dan melalui dukungan teknis serta informal.

2. Mengkordinasikan pengembangan sistem dalam pengembangan Human
Capital dan Tehnical Supporting

3. Mengkordinasi pelaksanaan Program Regulasi, Program
Pengembangan Human capital, Program Clearance, Program Sertifikasi
Sistem dan produk serta Program Corporate QA lainnya secara umum.

Pendidikan : S1 Tegnologi Pangan / Tegnologi Industri Pertanian dan
Teknik Kimia, Teknik Industri, Farmasi

Pengalaman : > 5 tahun sebagai Manager QA/QC, Manager Produksi Pangan,
Manager Pelatihan Food Industri

Kompetensi yang dibutuhkan :

1. Pengetahuan Quality Control, Sistem Manajemen Keamanan
Pangan/Obat, Regulasi Pangan/Obat

2. Pengetahuan tenologi Pengolahan Pangan/Farmasi, Training
Knowledge, Training Management, OEM (Toll Manufacturing)

3. Pengalaman di Industri Pangan, Industri farmasi, dan
Pengalaman menyelenggarakan Pelatihan

4. Kemampuan Berbahasa inggris aktif, mahir aplikasi computer
dan kemampuan manajerial

Jika ada yang berminat, aplikasi bisa disampaikan ke saya via email :
Amelia.Dyahyovita@ garudafood.

Minggu, 01 Februari 2009



PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom is the holding company of, Indonesia's leading online media & internet services. We would like to invite you, professionals of the highest standards to fulfill our business goal and objectives, for the following position.

[COMM] Mobile Account Executive

  • Preparing proposal and product presentation for prospective clients.
  • Plan advertising strategies, innovative campaigns and budgets to maximize mobile revenue and effectiveness for customers.
  • Prepares and conducts client presentations as well as ensures that campaigns receive input from potential customers and are accurately focused.
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in any field.
  • At least 2 years of working experience in Mobile AE or Content Provider (CP)
  • Understand mobile marketing is a must.
  • Age not more than 30 years old (female preferably).
  • Has pleasant personality and attractive.
  • Familiar and has knowledge in Mobile Application.
  • Willing to work with target.
  • Having experiences in Sales.
  • Achieve weekly, monthly and quarterly targets.
  • Fluent in English, both written & oral.
  • Excellence Presentation Skill.
  • Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [COMM] Mobile Account Executive.
  • Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

[COMM] Account Executive Retail

  • Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree in any field.
  • At least 1 year of working experience in client service/PR/marketing in advertising/online media Internet Advertising Experience is a plus.
  • Understand online marketing is a must & Wide client net workings in Advertising industry.
  • Age not more than 27 years old
  • Has pleasant personality and attractive.
  • Familiar and has knowledge in Internet Application.
  • Willing to work with target.
  • Having experiences in Telesales Marketing.
  • Achieve weekly, monthly and quarterly targets.
  • Fluent in English, both written & oral.
  • Excellence Presentation Skill.
  • Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [COMM] Account Executive Retail

[COMM] Online Account Executive

  • Prospect, present, sell and close online advertising sales for the website. (Banners, advertorials, etc.)
  • Preparing proposal and product presentation for prospective clients and media partners.
  • Plan advertising strategies, innovative campaigns and budgets to maximize online revenue and effectiveness for customers.
  • Prepares and conducts client presentations as well as ensures that campaigns receive input from potential customers and are accurately focused.
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in any field.
  • At least 2 year(s) of working experience in client service/PR/marketing in advertising/online media Internet Advertising Experience is a plus.
  • Understand online marketing is a must.
  • Age not more than 27 years old (female preferably).
  • Has pleasant personality and attractive.
  • Familiar and has knowledge in Mobile Application.
  • Willing to work with target.
  • Having experiences in Sales.
  • Achieve weekly, monthly and quarterly targets.
  • Fluent in English, both written & oral.
  • Excellence Presentation Skill.
  • Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [COMM] Online Account Executive.

[COMM] Promotion Staff

  • Responsible of executing an effective and integrated marketing communication & promotion
  • Event management and executing of A&P activities through various medium such as : online and offline media
  • Conduct consumer research align with product development
  • Great communication in English & Bahasa Indonesia Creating & organizing event or road show
  • Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree.
  • Age not more than 24 years old (female preferably)
  • At least 1 year of working experience in the related & fresh graduate are welcome.
  • Deep understanding in Marketing Communication & Promotion activities.
  • Patient, diligent, careful, like to meeting people
  • Outstanding in Microsoft applications (exel, word, ppt)
  • Conversant in English & good attitude
  • Successful applicants need to be reliable people, confident communicators and available to work on part time marketing campaigns.
  • You should be energetic and outgoing, confident in a customer facing role, a good team player, flexible, a good communicator, a natural sales person
  • Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [COMM] Promotion Staff

[IT&D] Web Programmer

  • Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology
  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
  • Male not more than 23 years old
  • Having a basic technical knowledge of Web Programming & Familiar with Linux Operation
  • Having knowledge W3C standard & website technology update
  • Strong Object Oriented Programming with PHP & Java Script
  • Having a basic technical knowledge of CSS, HTML, XHTML & XML
  • Having knowledge JavaScript, AJAX, Action Script and Ruby will be an advantage
  • Experienced in application & software development
  • Excellent knowledge of MySQL or PostgreSQL databases
  • Passionate of Hot Technologies.
  • Having good attitude, responsible, can work multiple project and excellent team-player
  • Good time management, a self-starter, and strong interpersonal communication skills.
  • Please describe your skill & knowledge on CV with .pdf format & send to it[at]
  • Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [IT&D] Web Programmer

[IT&D] System Administrator

  • Responsible for handling monitor and enhaced system performance such as : Apache, Mongrel, Jruby, NginX
  • Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
  • Age not more than 24 years old (male preferably)
  • At least 1 year of working experience in the related & fresh graduate are welcome.
  • Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in IT/Computer - System/Database Admin or equivalent.
  • Understanding Unix System, Linux Operating System
  • Required skill's: PHP, Java, Bash scrip
  • Conversant in English & good attitude
  • Able to work independently and on team, work under pressure & target oriented
  • Please describe your skill, knowledge & salary expectation on CV with .pdf format & send to it[at]agrakom[dot]com
  • Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [IT&D] System Administrator

[IT&D] Ruby Programmer

  • Possess at least an associated degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
  • Strong Object Oriented Programming with Ruby.
  • Familiar with Ruby on Rails.
  • Familiar with *NIX/LINUX, SVN, and RDBMS.
  • Passionate of hot technologies.
  • Having good attitude, responsible, and can work as a team player.
  • Strong objective oriented with Smalltalk, C++, Python, Java and PHP.
  • Strong Javascript (Fundamental Javascript and AJAX)
  • Familiar with LISP
  • Familiar with Agile Culture and Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)
  • Please describe your skill & knowledge on CV with .pdf format & send to it[at]agrakom[dot]com
  • Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [IT&D] Ruby Programmer.

[IT&D] Java Programmer

  • Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
  • Fresh graduate, not more than 25 years old
  • Familiar with HTML, PHP & Java programming
  • Having knowledge in IT, mobile services
  • Have good attitude, responsible, and a team player
  • Please describe your skill & knowledge on CV with .pdf format & send to it[at]agrakom[dot]com
  • Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [IT&D] Java Programmer.

[RED] Journalist

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in any field.
  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
  • Single, not more than 24 years old and attractive appearance.
  • Have great interest in journalism especially news & politics
  • Able to communicate and write in English
  • Energetic, dynamic, creative & like challenges
  • Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [RED] Journalist

[RED] Journalist

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in any field.
  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
  • Single (male preferably), not more than 24 years old and have an attractive appearance.
  • Has great interest in journalism especially finance & business news.
  • Able to communicate and write in English.
  • Energetic, dynamic, creative & like challenges.
  • Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [RED] Journalist

[RED] Journalist

  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in any field.
  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
  • Single (male preferably), not more than 24 years old and have an attractive appearance.
  • Has great interest in journalism especially life style & celebrity news.
  • Able to communicate and write in English.
  • Energetic, dynamic, creative & like challenges.
  • Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [RED] Journalist

If you are ready for the challenge, please submit your application letter with full details of resume and recent photograph not later than February, 15th 2009 to:

PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom
"Only short-listed candidates will be notified"
"Invitation Processes will be conducted by sms & email"

Visit Us :